Cut from the same cloth as CIRREM, MADCO100 will have much the same feel but with 40 more miles to love. 100 miles of Madison County gravel and dirt roads on the first Saturday of May. Find your limits and crush them, then enjoy the after party.

MADCO 2019
Thank you to everyone who participated in making MADCO100 a success in 2019! The race results for all riders are available now.
Check them out here!


Coming Soon…
The route will take riders on the gravel and dirt back roads to the southwest of Des Moines. If you have done CIRREM, you have some idea of what’s coming. Hills for days, winding roads, beautiful landscapes, covered bridges, you will see it all. There will be at least one checkpoint, which will be at our longtime friends joint; the Cumming Tap. We have hand picked our favorite roads for your pleasure. We promise you will not be disappointed.
Drop us an email!